Are you annoyed by your colleagues?

Do you recognize that feeling?
Every day you are confronted with someone you have not chosen yourself. From 9 to 5 she sits opposite you and you just have to deal with it... In order to survive, you have built up a system within yourself so that you can endure with her. This system is actually called a survival strategy and without you being aware of it you have tense your muscles all day, you have a defensive attitude all day. And meanwhile, the stress builds. And your colleague also feels that (unconsciously) and must also shield himself. VoilĂ , the vicious circle. Perhaps a little simple and succinct, but the moment you take a deep breath, think of all those books you've read or courses you've taken to stay true to yourself and to be empathetic and compassionate, at that moment some cells open again and get air and space again. Your thinking changes on the spot. And if you can keep that up for a while, for example WHILE you're talking to your colleague, your mood will change. And guess what happens when you are more relaxed, more comfortable in your own skin? In some magical way, your colleague will also behave differently. She is slightly less annoying and it seems as if there are less critical comments from her side. Also, she actually looks a lot better than the past few weeks. What happened? A scientific explanation for what is happening here can be heard from Joe Dispenza. But even if we wouldn't be interested in that statement, we could welcome this experience. Notice how easy it ACTUALLY is to turn that annoyance into compassion, even if only for a few seconds. If it takes you a lot of effort to do this for a few seconds, ask yourself: Does it feel better to continue to annoy me (because I'm right, this is a terrible person) or does it feel better to feel compassion for this colleague (even though I don't think that's right right away). Just see what happens when you do that for a few seconds. As an experiment. You can learn this and it will give you much more than you can imagine right now! If you haven't subscribed to my newsletter yet, I would do it now. There are many exercises that you can definitely use in practice.